System - Automated Notifications

See below examples of the various automated system notifications our software employs to completely automate the ENTIRE process of booking customers!




The first message a customer receives after they sign up. This establishes the number or email is good, reassures the cusotmer we got the correct information, and allows them to edit the information i if need be. If the customer needs to cancel, they can also do that.



Many people signed up with different date ranges and trip types, but finally they all overlapped into a full and profitable trip! Now it is time to get paid. Our system automatically leaps into action and sends the customer a request to pay or the ability to cancel and open up their slot for the next customer in line. 

Once this message is sent a 72 hour clock is started. Over the next three days we will ask the customer to pay 2 more times, and then automatically remove them from the asset (charter or event) and seek to replace them with a different customer who will pay.

This process repeats automatically until the charter is full and paid.



Think to yourself how many hours a day you or your team spends on the phone, texting, and emailing back and forth with customers trying to get them to commit and pay for their ticket or charter.

No more.

Our system completly automated the process by giving the cusotmer 3 chances with three gradually stern reminders pictured here to the left. We remind the customer this is a first come , first serve charter, event, or asset. 

We find doing this can increase your bookings by up to 33%.



To the left, you see a customer not responding to our repeated request for payment. After the third attempt, the customer is automatically booted from the locked charter, and is politely told so.

At your option the customer can be removed from the system , archived, banned, or left in the system for future contact.

Once a group is booted, the system refers back to the list of other active sign up for a replacement that has the same date range or trip type over lap. All of this is done with no help from you or your team.

True automation.



There is an old saying, "The best customer, is the one you already have." We firmly belive in this. That is why our system will automatically reach out to your customers 30, 60, and 90 days after they signed up, regardless if they actually went with you.

Of course, when they do return, it remembers everything about them, so that they only need to enter in a new trip info.

Customer Service is Key.



Let us completely and totally handle reviews for you.
How about that? :)



Sometimes your customer will have questions that only you know the answer to. In this case, you can respond directly to cutomers with the answer in the MESSAGE CENTER, a centralized hub spot for all messages sent or received by the customer, our system, or you.

The automated messages , customer replies, and your messages for both email and sms will appear in the same message thread and be shown in chronological order, making customer service a snap.