Simplicity makes the difference.

Right now, all calendar booking systems have one thing in common. They present the customer with a separate calendar for each activity or asset they offer showing all open availabilities, and then let the customer do the searching for and sign up on the day they wish. We turn that upside down. Instead of presenting a calendar for each activity or asset, we simply let the customer tell us 3 things: how many?, what date range?, what asset(s) or trips(s) are you interested in? That's it, the customer is done. They can go on with their day now. Our software will do the work for the customer, only better and faster, and most importantly, automatically.

Such a simple change, but the affects are deeper than you think.

This shifts the work away from the customer and you (the operator). This also prevents customers from having to hunt and peck through a calendar OR MULTIPLE CALENDARS (if there interested in more than one type of trip or asset). It also makes it possible for a customer to create multiple trips over multiple days that create huge numbers of potential trips. Our software can take these thousands of customers with overlapping date ranges, different head counts, and different trip options, and automatically match them into FULL and PAID trips, AUTOMATICALLY.

On the operator side, no charter operator or service provider wants to book an asset that isn't full.

If there are 12 slots open, you want 12 people to go on that charter or asset on the same day, not 4 people each over 3 days. This can make the difference between success and failure in an open party charter company. Our software automatically ensures that every asset is fully booked by intelligently grouping signups together into what is most profitable for your company, and automatically handling the matching, notification, payment request, and booking it for you. Full assets booked at full rate for your company, and fast, efficient, easier booking for your both you and your customers! After the transaction is completed, the software automatically requests a review and ask the customer to rejoin you after 30/60/90 days.


We provide you with a simple html code snippet that you can easily put on your site. We only ask the customer who they are , how many, which date range, and which trip. Now you know your customer.


This is where the magic happens. Our software  intelligently sorts and groups all the active signups into a profitable trip for you to run, automatically. Overlapping date ranges and trip types are sorted!


Once the software LOCKS a trip it sends out payment request, boots people who don't pay, replaces them with those that do, and continues the process until the trip is paid in full and confirmed with all customers.


We provide your customers and crew with a full calendar system showing what days are available for booking. The calendar is multi-asset aware & allows a customer or agent to find assets that are available within a range of dates and trip types.


Our Message Center uniquely combines email and SMS side-by-side into one stream of messages chronologically. It easily allows you to answer questions quickly. Auto generated system messages show up right in the message stream!


After charters are finalized you can examine profit margin to the penny, adjust prices, see an archive of every charter ever run, and look at insightful analytics data and graphs. You will be able to see daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly info!

Do you have a mix of open party and private party customers?

If you only offer 'by the ticket' or 'private party' sales, you can use our software to now offer them both. Our software can handle both with the same sign up page, including rule sets that insure that ready buyers complete their reservation instantly.

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